What to Do When Death Occurs
Let us first express our sorrow for your loss. This is not an easy time for you, and we intend to do everything possible to ease your way.
Please contact us immediately at (203) 288-0800.
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No matter if a death is sudden, or if it something that was a long time coming, the loss of a loved one makes us feel emotional and overwhelmed. We are here for you.
When a death occurs at a hospital/nursing home/hospice facility
The staff of a care facility such as a hospital or a nursing home will notify you and the necessary authorities immediately after a death has occurred. Be sure the staff at the facility have our phone number and call us. You can also call us directly to ensure your peace of mind.
When death occurs at home or a place of business
If the person was not under hospice care, the police will have to be notified immediately. The police will be dispatched to the home and place the call to the coroner/medical examiner. Please call us at this time also to ensure the care of your loved one.
Our Caring Staff
Deciding on these final arrangements may seem like a very daunting task, especially when you are in heightened emotional state, but, we have years of experience and strive to ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible.
We will guide you through all these steps, using your wants, needs and desires as a foundation to create a memorable tribute for your loved one.
Please contact us immediately at (203) 288-0800. for assistance and answers to any questions you may have.