Hans W. Hafner

Hans Walter Hafner,42, of Orange St. New Haven son of Walter A. and Elsie Gumz Hafner of Meriden passed away Friday, February 13, 2004. He was born in Meriden, March 27, 1961 and graduated from Maloney H. S. in 1979. He then graduated from the Hartt School of Music and from Connecticut State College. He was employed by Wacovia, formerly Union Trust Bank as a teller manager for over 20 years. Hans loved his family, friends, and music and travel. He had a particular passion for opera and maintained a correspondence with many of his friends in that world. He started his involvement with music at the age of 16 and matured to a conductor of the Edelweis Chorus in West Haven. He was a former organist at the Emanuel Lutheran Church in New Haven and a featured soloist at many other congregations. In addition to his parents he is survived by his sister, Linda H. Murphy and her husband, Gavin Murphy of Hebron, CT, his uncle and aunt, Klaus and Ginny Gumz and many cousins in the US and Germany. Friends may call Tuesday, Feb. 17 from 4 - 8 p.m. at the BEECHER & BENNETT FLATOW FUNERAL HOME, 48 Cook Ave., Meriden. Funeral service Wed. at 11 a.m. at St. John Lutheran Church, 520 Paddock Ave., Meriden. Rev. David Brinkley will officiate. Burial in Gethsemane Cemetery will be private. Memorial contributions may be sent to the American Diabetes Assoc., 200 White Plains Rd., Tarrytown, NY 10591 or to the Edelweis Chorus, 520 Orange Ave., West Haven, CT 06516.
Elsie and Walter, I cannot tell you how shocked I was to learn of the passing of Hans. It was just a couple of weeks ago that he left me a nice message and was looking forward to the Saengerfest. My deepest and sincerest sympathies to you and your family. I will always remember his enthusiasm for music and his dedication to the German song. He will truly be missed. Sincerely, Carol Weber Hartford Saengerbund
I am so sorry for your loss. Hans was a special friend when we were students at CCSU. Many years have past but I have never forgotten Hans\’ smile and his love of singing. Please know that he has touched so many of us. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May God Bless.
I grew up with Hans in Meriden just 3 houses away and have many wonderful memories of our childhood together. He was such a wonderful, sincere and loving person. It has been many years since I have seen him as I live so far from Meriden, but the memories I have of when we were children will always be with me. My love to Walter, Elsie and the family.
I have so many nice childhood memories of Hans. I was so sorry to hear that he has passed away. I remember one year planning a Halloween party with Hans beginning the month before. Almost every day we would get together over at his house to go over what we were going to do and get ready for it. We worked really hard to have a successful party in my parents garage! Another time we put on a backyard production of The Wizard of Oz in my parents backyard. Several of the other children in the neighborhood were in it with us. I remember Hans was the tinman. We put tin foil all over him and made a hat! Lisa Zeiser was Glenda the Good Witch. My brother, sister, Linda, Mary Morley and her sister, Annie I think were also in it. I know there\’s a group picture of us in our costumes that we had put together. We certainly spent alot of time together when we were growing up and had a lot of fun times!! Knowing Hans as a child was a very special chapter in my life and I will always remember his smile and laugh. My sincere condolences go out to Mr. & Mrs. Hafner and his sister, Linda.
i just became reaquainted with hans this past summer after not seeing him since we were graduated from high school nearly 25 years ago. his looks have matured but his acceptance of everyone hasn\’t changed one bit. he always seemed to be that way,long before it was fashionable.he was right long before we were. i am sadded that he didn\’t have longer in this world to appreciate his many talents both musical and otherwise.god rest his soul
I met Hans at C.C.S.U. when we were getting our teacher certification. We studied for our tests together and shared many laughs about one class in particular.
I really miss my godfather Hans.It didn\’t seem like he could die because he made me happy and he was full of life.When I found out Tuesday night that he died I cried my tears out and wasn\’t able to go to his wake or funeral because my godmother didn\’t have all the information about his funeral or death. But I\’m glad he\’s in heaven so God can take care of him.I LOVE YOU HANS AND ALWAYS WILL!!!!!!!!! Love,Dannielle
I was so saddened at the news that Hans has passed away. We have lived in the same building for almost eight years and Hans has always made me feel I was part of the little family we have here. I\’m going to miss him so much and think of him.
It was with shock and disbelief when i got the news that my darling,my sunshine was gone.My heart was broken,how was i going to tell his godchild that the voice she loved to hear singing .ITSY BITSY SPIDER\’was no more?now it all makes sense,i went to the Trumbull office of Wachovia where we first met and was reminiscing of our days spent there.they were happy years(i could not explain what had drawn me there on 2/12/04)but as i left i could feel his presence (we had a connection that could not be explained) and i came home and left him another message.Hans had a way of knowing when i was sad and he would call and cheer me up as only he could do.i still call his telephone just to hear his voice and leave him a message.it\’s hard to let go but i know i must.Dannielle keeps reassuring me that GOD is taking good care of him because she prayed and asked HIM to.to ELSIE,WALTER & LINDA…we share your pain in this household and our prayers are with you. sadly missed by Deneise,Shauna-Marie,Sean-Albert,Javier,Albert JR&Dannielle Wright. WE LOVE YOU HANSY BABY.!!!!!!!!
our condolences for this loss of your family member..you are in our thoughts and prayers.. david and joyce miller
When my Dad called me to tell me this news, I was shocked. The last time I saw Hans was at my Mom\’s memorial years ago. I lived next door to Hans growing up, and Hans and I shared many fun times as youngsters. We were best friends until about 5th grade, when different activities seperated us. Hans loved music, I loved sports. All is all, the times we spent together were wonderful. Walter would build huge snow jumps during the winter, and Hans and I would sled down them. Else and my mom were very close, and shared many good times also. As life seperated us, I never forgot Hans being many miles away. Some people you just never forget. I remember Hans always having a smile, and being pleasant no matter what. I am sure his close friends of today will miss him truly. I know his family feels a great loss as do us all. One thing I know is that Hans was a very special person, and even though we were not close in todays time, I know he is in a special place now. I am sure Hans is singing a beautiful melody to other angels he is beside. To Walter, Else, Linda, I am so sorry for your loss. God Bless you wonderful people. Love Marc DeMatteo