Joanne B. Meinke

February 17, 1943 ~ September 30, 2007
MERIDEN - Joanne B. Meinke, 64, of 13 Dryden Drive, died Sunday, Sept. 30, 2007 at her residence. Born in Hartford on Feb. 17, 1943, she was the daughter of the late Henry J. and Wilma Baker Meinke. She received her Master's Degree at Tufts University and had been employed as a school teacher in the Middletown Public School System. She was a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Wallingford and was a member of the Meriden Humane Society and the Friends of the Library. Burial will take place at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2007 in Gethsemane Cemetery. There are no calling hours. Arrangements are under the direction of the Beecher and Bennett Flatow Funeral Home, 48 Cook Ave., Meriden.
I am so saddened and shocked to learn about my dear college friend . I last spoke to her in august and i do not think she even knew she had the problem that caused her death. I would like to contact her friend the nurse to explain how this happened so suddenly. I can only assume she didn’t suffer as she didn’t have time to contact any one or 911.Bless her neighbors for finding her . I just cnnot believe this -i had sent her a letter this past month not knowing and expecting to hear from her by year’s end , She so loved her animals and garden and cooking. She always bravely handled all her medical problems and still managed to take care of her home and decorate it,especially at christmas . She was a devoted and loving daughter to her parents and cared for them in their later years.i will greatly misss her.I never expected this for years to come and i suspect she didn’t either. May the lord bless her and keep her . I will treasure our memeories as tufts grad students and our talks and her letters we exchanged over the decades . I only wish someone could have been with her to comfort her but yet i know she was strong and the Lord was there for her instead. I will always appreciate her kind words to me and understanding when i lost my parents as she had. She will live on in our hearts and in the care of God. My dear friend will rest in peace under your care.
We are very sorry to hear of the passing of Joanne. We have lived across the street for eight years. we enjoyed conversations with Joanne over the years about growing flowers the weather and cats and other current news. Sincerely, Mike and Pat.
with joannne’s 2/17th birthday approaching i think of my friend . I want to thank her friend Mary ,a nurse who is actually the person that found her and was there for her during difficult times over the past yrs. G-d bless his helpers